Thursday, December 18, 2008

Training on 22nd December, Monday

There will be training for all part a and b on Monday, 22th december. Clt Chun Wei will be coming down to supervise and he expects nothing short of full strength. The rendezvous point will be outside ncc at 0800hours. Report in No.4 bring along spec course manual and saf green bottle. Please spread to the others.
ssg kh.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Upcoming camp in 2009

There will be a camp in 2009 for Part A and B cadets, most probably it will coincide with the orientation camp so the recruitment drive will be held directly after the camp. The camp will be COMPULSORY for all. It will affect the promotion for part A. For the part Bs, this camp will prepare you for spec course, absentees without valid reason will not be send for sepcialist course.

ssg kh.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Be familiarised with the army .

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pictures from recent training (10 Nov 08)

Hardworking Specs cleaning Ncc room without anyone telling them to do so for the better of everyone. Thank them when you see them tomorrow.

Juniors who slack in a file while their specs are not looking.

Other juniors who continue to work hard even when their specs aren't around.

Our USM taking down important orders and notes. (our usm hardworking eh?)
Our 24/7 specs waiting for instructions.

Boy with lanyard was punished for slacking around. (guess who this small boy might be)

Another boy with lanyard also caught slacking. (sorry the punishment for this boy was too severe to even take a picture)

Junior cadets in ke-kanan lurus position.

UDIs, Admin and Log IC, Admin IC, Log IC and APCs

UDIs and NAZ.

Finally the memorable Formal and Informal Picture the specs with the sirs. (Special thanks to our senior Amin who was the cameraman for the following pictures)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Batam trip 08 ( 3rd Nov - 5 Nov )

Hello all once again ,
its me, USM Brandon again .
Here's some pictures of our cadets in Batam for their 3d2n stay .
Hope you'll enjoy most of the pictures. especially those unglam ones .
I would also want to thank our Teacher Officers for making this trip for us .
We really had a wonderful time bonding with our cadets .
We hope that in future , stays like this would be even longer .
(Most pictures include us Part C cadets as this is our blog, so it would make sense if most of the pictures included inside consisted of us mainly. )
Here's an interesting guide of how to capsize video of Ausm Jacob and Admin IC Naz during kayaking. PLEASE mind the coarse language used at the start my fellow cadets .

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A must to watch... Inspiring...

A little note of advice to all those who are gonna watch this video. This video is seriously very inspiring and can definatley be a huge boost to all your driving factors so please take this video seriously. ( Watch it with sound. )~ special thanks to SGT Joseph

Try to look good in No.4

Here are some of the older photos I have found. And by the way, to all junior cadets we have already made arrangements to get your photos so do try to look your best during your next upcoming training which is on 10th Nov. reporting time is 0745hrs. The training is scheduled to end at 1200hrs. For any questions either post it in the cbox or email us at our ncc email add.

Adding to the news, we would also like bring up a NEW matter. Im sure most of us have already realised tht NCC is not only abt drills and marching so like we used to do last year we are organising a weekly soccer match at diff venues each time. It will most probably take place every Sat frm ard 2pm. Every1 is welcomed and er u can brin ur friends along if u want too. We will be giving more details on this weekly soccer match mostly probably every Thurs or Fri night. So please come along if u r free and interested. If this goes well mayb in the future we will also be organising basketball games and cycling.~ '06 Heroes

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Training .

Dear cadets ,
it's your USM Brandon here.
Just to keep ya'll updated on the upcoming events which are gonna happen during the holidays.
Please do not question about other events as im going to post each time before a certain event.
So everything would be chronologically arranged.
1: 3,4,5 November . > Batam trip

2: 10th November > 1st Holiday training for Part A and B's (0800-1200 hrs)
However training will end at (1100 hrs.)

3: 12th November > QSS NCC's first ever Route March . (0800-1300 hrs)
The march ends at (1000 hrs)

As for the other events or upcoming trainings , not to worry as i will post them in time .
For now , i just need all of you to regularly visit OUR NCC blog to be updated .
Take care my fellow cadets , stay out of trouble . Happy holidays to all .

Yours sincerely USM,
Brandon .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Damn... Fri no training...

So... Admin here la... Sad to say got alot of specialists havin course this friday (17th Oct '08) so ya no trainin.... Still we hope to meet you Part A and B cadets next week. And by the way, there is no more giving stupid excuses. Next time you cannot come for training, you guys must either write out or email a letter to us WITH YOUR PARENTS CONTACT NUMBER INSIDE. If you dont do so, well... we will definately come after you the next day or the next available day and if we think you skip training without proper excuse you WILL be either given a stern warning or be immediately be asked to return your uniform depending on the case. And finally about the mutual notes we still havent updated it yet bcoz we find it a waste of time since so little of you even bother to check this blog.... ~'06 Heroes

Friday, October 10, 2008

Exams are Over...

Hey there to all frens and junior cadets. Exams are finally over and hope that you guys will do well and not embarrass NCC. Anyway this post is to inform all NCC members that since exams are over training will definately begin soon. In fact, even NPCC has started their trainin 2day. But no worries aft all we are NCC, and we will catch up in no time. Our first training aft the exams will most probably begin NEXT FRIDAY. However it is not confirmed yet, so we will be updating you guys whether the trainin is confirmed or not and the details if training is confirmed. Moreover one of the specs will also be posting MUTUAL NOTES so make sure you check out this blog on the upcomin MON AND THURS.
~'06 Heroes

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hi everyone , it's your USM Brandon here.
this post goes out to all Part C cadets .
I've already sent the order for our NCC shirt .

The shirt would be $23.50 .
Please start saving up . I need the money by end of next week .
I would be asking the admin's to start collecting the money soon .
Please dont delay as it will mess up the whole thing . Please cooperate .
The Shirt would be coming either in a week's time or 2 weeks .
For now , take care Part C's and all the best for your upcoming Examinations .
Remember, once the exam period is over . It's time for us to TRAIN them.
You would know who i am refering to .
No more slacking .
Let us achieve the gold unit again .

Yours faithful USM ,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Training notice for 12 Sep 08

To all part A and B cadets. There is a compulsary training this fri, 12 sep 08. Training will either comence from 1430 hrs or 1530hrs to 1710hrs(+- 15min). There will be a meeting on thursday morning,11 sep 08, right after the morning assembly for all Part A and B cadets. All cadets are also expected this training as this will be the last training till final year exams are over. Muslim cadets are also to attend this training. Please note that all fasting muslim cadets WILL be exempted from strenous activities and will be given only light training on foot drills and if possible on mutual lessons. Attendence will marked and cadets who AWOL(absent without official leave) will be dealt with serverely after the exams. If you have any questions about the training please state them in the cbox or email them to Adding to this annoucement we would like to inform all Part A and B cadets that if you want to complain on a specific specialist for a reason or another please also inform us through the above given email so that we can better serve you in trainings.~'06 Heroes'

Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to all Queensway Cadets

Hey all... This blog is managed by the queensway ncc 06" batch so as to let you know of everything that is happening in ncc or our unit. Moreover we will also let you guys know of any last minute changes in plan or the training through this blog. Adding to that, you guys can also voice out your opinions on trainings, specialist and most importantly how this unit runs. You can also type in any questions that you might have in the cbox and we will try to answer asap if their relavant. Lastly please do us favour by checking this blog whenever you are online for important announcements and help spread the msg. Thanks for your cooperation. ~'06 heroes~