Thursday, October 30, 2008

Try to look good in No.4

Here are some of the older photos I have found. And by the way, to all junior cadets we have already made arrangements to get your photos so do try to look your best during your next upcoming training which is on 10th Nov. reporting time is 0745hrs. The training is scheduled to end at 1200hrs. For any questions either post it in the cbox or email us at our ncc email add.

Adding to the news, we would also like bring up a NEW matter. Im sure most of us have already realised tht NCC is not only abt drills and marching so like we used to do last year we are organising a weekly soccer match at diff venues each time. It will most probably take place every Sat frm ard 2pm. Every1 is welcomed and er u can brin ur friends along if u want too. We will be giving more details on this weekly soccer match mostly probably every Thurs or Fri night. So please come along if u r free and interested. If this goes well mayb in the future we will also be organising basketball games and cycling.~ '06 Heroes