Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Batam trip 08 ( 3rd Nov - 5 Nov )

Hello all once again ,
its me, USM Brandon again .
Here's some pictures of our cadets in Batam for their 3d2n stay .
Hope you'll enjoy most of the pictures. especially those unglam ones .
I would also want to thank our Teacher Officers for making this trip for us .
We really had a wonderful time bonding with our cadets .
We hope that in future , stays like this would be even longer .
(Most pictures include us Part C cadets as this is our blog, so it would make sense if most of the pictures included inside consisted of us mainly. )
Here's an interesting guide of how to capsize video of Ausm Jacob and Admin IC Naz during kayaking. PLEASE mind the coarse language used at the start my fellow cadets .