Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Damn... Fri no training...

So... Admin here la... Sad to say got alot of specialists havin course this friday (17th Oct '08) so ya no trainin.... Still we hope to meet you Part A and B cadets next week. And by the way, there is no more giving stupid excuses. Next time you cannot come for training, you guys must either write out or email a letter to us WITH YOUR PARENTS CONTACT NUMBER INSIDE. If you dont do so, well... we will definately come after you the next day or the next available day and if we think you skip training without proper excuse you WILL be either given a stern warning or be immediately be asked to return your uniform depending on the case. And finally about the mutual notes we still havent updated it yet bcoz we find it a waste of time since so little of you even bother to check this blog.... ~'06 Heroes