Sunday, October 26, 2008

Training .

Dear cadets ,
it's your USM Brandon here.
Just to keep ya'll updated on the upcoming events which are gonna happen during the holidays.
Please do not question about other events as im going to post each time before a certain event.
So everything would be chronologically arranged.
1: 3,4,5 November . > Batam trip

2: 10th November > 1st Holiday training for Part A and B's (0800-1200 hrs)
However training will end at (1100 hrs.)

3: 12th November > QSS NCC's first ever Route March . (0800-1300 hrs)
The march ends at (1000 hrs)

As for the other events or upcoming trainings , not to worry as i will post them in time .
For now , i just need all of you to regularly visit OUR NCC blog to be updated .
Take care my fellow cadets , stay out of trouble . Happy holidays to all .

Yours sincerely USM,
Brandon .