Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Training notice for 12 Sep 08

To all part A and B cadets. There is a compulsary training this fri, 12 sep 08. Training will either comence from 1430 hrs or 1530hrs to 1710hrs(+- 15min). There will be a meeting on thursday morning,11 sep 08, right after the morning assembly for all Part A and B cadets. All cadets are also expected this training as this will be the last training till final year exams are over. Muslim cadets are also to attend this training. Please note that all fasting muslim cadets WILL be exempted from strenous activities and will be given only light training on foot drills and if possible on mutual lessons. Attendence will marked and cadets who AWOL(absent without official leave) will be dealt with serverely after the exams. If you have any questions about the training please state them in the cbox or email them to Adding to this annoucement we would like to inform all Part A and B cadets that if you want to complain on a specific specialist for a reason or another please also inform us through the above given email so that we can better serve you in trainings.~'06 Heroes'