Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pictures from recent training (10 Nov 08)

Hardworking Specs cleaning Ncc room without anyone telling them to do so for the better of everyone. Thank them when you see them tomorrow.

Juniors who slack in a file while their specs are not looking.

Other juniors who continue to work hard even when their specs aren't around.

Our USM taking down important orders and notes. (our usm hardworking eh?)
Our 24/7 specs waiting for instructions.

Boy with lanyard was punished for slacking around. (guess who this small boy might be)

Another boy with lanyard also caught slacking. (sorry the punishment for this boy was too severe to even take a picture)

Junior cadets in ke-kanan lurus position.

UDIs, Admin and Log IC, Admin IC, Log IC and APCs

UDIs and NAZ.

Finally the memorable Formal and Informal Picture the specs with the sirs. (Special thanks to our senior Amin who was the cameraman for the following pictures)